So here I am, back in London. Home sweet home!
Had a real pig out yesterday. Went to pizza hut and had a hot cookie dough, but I must admit it was a huge disappointment! Well, at least I know what it is now and it won’t bug me during my next prep 🙂
Had some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, sweets and sweets… but today I had my first proper breakfast again: oats and protein waffles with honey on the top. I must admit I really missed it. It’s nice to be back on normal food. I will make sure I utilise all the extra carbs from the last 2 days in the gym! Need to grow! I have already started: on Sunday I went back to the gym in Kazan and had a great back workout! I just love that gym, so well equipped!
So now that I’m ‘officially’ off season I really need to make some improvements in the next 3 months, before I start the diet for the British Finals and the Universe.
I am thinking about recording my preparations for the next competition, some workouts, some nutrition, what I do and how I do it – and put it on my website. Would you like to follow it? Tell me what you would like to see or hear.
I’m off to the gym now but I will be back with more later!